Level A6 English
Topics & Worksheets

Topic 1. Vocabulary

01. Word A Day
02. Phobias - 2
03. Manias
04. Spelling Rule - QU
05. Spelling Rule - i before e
06. Spelling Rule: Silent e
07. Spelling Rule: Two Vowels
08. Spelling Rule: er vs. or
09. A List
10. A List - 2
11. A List - 3
12. A List - 4
13. A List - 5
14. B List
15. B List - 2
16. C List
17. C List - 2
18. D List
19. D List - 2
20. E List
21. E List - 2
22. Homework - Learn New Words
23. Word Roots
24. derma: skin
25. bene: well
26. chrono: time
27. bio: life
28. cracy: government; rule
29. gress: to go
30. geo: earth
31. audi or audio: hear or sound
32. dict or dic: speak
33. sign: mark or seal or symbol
34. duct or duce: to lead
35. log or logue: word or thought or speech
36. Prefixes - Mis, Un, Re, and Pre
37. Prefixes - Il, Im, In, and Ir
38. Prefix - Dis
39. Prefixes- De and Ex
40. Prefixes - Ambi and Amphi
41. bi: two
42. Medical Doctors
43. Phobias
44. Review Test - Spelling and Vocabulary - Level 6

Topic 2. Grammar

01. Repairing Run-on Sentences
02. Correcting Sentence Errors
03. Parts Of Speech Review
04. Proper and Common Nouns
05. Plural Nouns
06. Verbs
07. Kinds of Verbs
08. Verb Tense - Present, Past, and Future
09. Contractions with Verbs
10. Pronouns
11. Kinds of Pronouns
12. Possessive Pronouns
13. Adjectives
14. Adjectives and Adverbs
15. Prepositions
16. Conjunctions
17. Capitalization
18. Punctuation Marks
19. Punctuation - Period (.)
20. Punctuation - Exclamation (!)
21. Punctuation - Question Mark (?)
22. Writing Fluent Sentences
23. Avoiding Shifts in Sentences
24. Use Active Voice
25. Review Test - Grammar Level 6

Topic 3. Reading Comprehension

01. Read and Summarize a Book
02. Introduction to Reading Comprehension
03. Word A Day
04. Reading Fiction - Strategies
05. Informational Reading Strategies
06. Review Test - Reading Comprehension Level 6
07. Cirrus Cloud
08. Transformers
09. Waterfalls
10. Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
11. October's Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt Jackson
12. A Misspelled Tail by Elizabeth T. Corbett
13. Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost
14. The Magic Tinderbox
15. The Little Gold Fish
16. A Shrewed Farmer's Story
17. The Little Pear Girl
18. The Ugly Duckling
19. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
20. The Sleeping Princess
21. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
22. The Golden Goose
23. The Snow Queen
24. The Adventures of Tom Thumb

Topic 4. Writing

01. Writing Process Steps
02. Writing Process Steps - Doing Research
03. Writing Process Steps - Revising and Editing
04. Writing a Story: Using a Mind Map
05. Character Is Destiny
06. Geography Extremes
07. Read and Summarize a Book
08. Stock Investing
09. Investing Basics
10. The World Population
11. Baseball
12. George Washington
13. John F. Kennedy
14. Countries and Capitals
15. This Day In History
16. Fields of Study
17. Writing a Five Paragraph Essay
18. Types of Essays
19. The Argumentative/Persuasive Essay
20. Writing Effective Introductions for Speech and Essay
21. One Paragraph to Each Topic
22. Begin Each Paragraph with a Topic Sentence
23. A Few Matters of Form
24. Mini-Speech Practice
25. Catchy Openings Using Famous Quotations
26. Public Speaking Template
27. Outline of an Effective Speech
28. Review Test - Writing Level 6

Topic 5. Other Topics & Review Tests

01. Spelling Test - 1
02. Vocabulary Test - 1
03. Grammar Placement Test
04. Writing Test
05. 2007 AIM4A Public Speaking Contest Level 1
06. 2008 AIM4A Public Speaking Contest Level 1
07. 2007 Essay Writing Contest - Level 1
08. Essay Writing Test - Favorite Sport
09. 2008 Essay Writing Contest - Level 1